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Municipal Water Strategy

A safe, sufficient water supply is critical to ensuring a sustainable economy and way of life in the Municipality of Chester, which is why we, with the help of Coastal Action, are developing a Municipal Water Strategy for our communities.

To get feedback from you, we mailed a survey to every household in the Municipality. The results of the survey (linked on the right) will help us develop a strategy that balances the needs of our residents, our businesses and communities, and the natural environment.

Follow the progress of this project on Voices and Choices where you can also ask a question, propose an idea, and get updates.

Water Quality Monitoring Programs

The Municipality monitors the quality of water in several water bodies:

  • Bayswater Beach
  • Fox Point Lake: Council appointed a Water Quality Monitoring Committee in 2014 in response to concerns about the potential impact development in the area could have on Fox Point Lake. They took baseline measurements and regularly sampled the water to monitor and changes in the quality. Annual reports are provided to the public and Council and are linked on the right.
  • Rafuse Cove-Goose Creek
  • Sherbrooke Lake

Coastal Action, trained volunteers, and municipal staff work together to gather data and deliver results to the public and Council. Links to reports are on the right.

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