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By-Laws and Policies

Every so often, Council needs to update, amend, or develop by-laws to reflect a change in our community or situation. When this happens, there is a process that they must follow.

  1. Notice of Intention - At a Council or Committee of the Whole meeting, Council will give "Notice of Intention" to amend a by-law.
  2. First Reading - At the next meeting, Council will approve "First Reading". This means they are moving forward with approving the amendment or new by-law. After the motion to approve First Reading, the Municipality advertises the amendment in the newspaper, the municipal newsletter (depending on the timing of the publication of the newsletter), and the website (if it affects the public and not just an internal document). It's at this time that the public can submit their feedback about the changes.
  3. Second Reading - This is the meeting where public feedback is considered. Council can either adopt the amendments as is, defeat the amendment altogether, or change the amendment to satisfy concerns.
  4. Adoption - At Second Reading of the amendment or adoption - if there are no changes or more information is not needed - Council can approve the amendment or adoption of the by-law.  The adoption or amendment is then advertised in the paper and effective as of the date of publication (unless Ministerial Approval is required).

For a Policy, it's basically the same process as amending a by-law, except instead of "readings", Council gives "notice". Most policies deal with internal operations, and may be advertised in the municipal newsletter or on the website.  The process for approving a Policy is a Notice of Intention given to Council and after seven days, Council can pass it.

**The only exceptions to this are Planning regulations. All by-laws and procedures related to Planning must be approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs before being enacted.

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