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Sherbrooke Lake Park

Beautiful dark red sunset over Sherbrooke Lake
Photo credit: Hugh Harper

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) is developing a public park on Sherbrooke Lake. Both MODL and the Municipality of Chester (MOC) share shoreline along Sherbrooke Lake, and the park is located in the Municipality of Chester on a parcel of land purchased by MODL.

Because of shared interest, the two municipal units signed a Memorandum of Understanding stating that they will work together on some aspects of the development.

The Sherbrooke Lake Park Advisory Committee was created with members from both MODL and MOC to provide advice on the design, development and operation of the park.  Based on past reports, the MOU and using an adaptive management approach, a final park plan was developed by EDM Planning Services Ltd. and was presented to both Councils in the Fall of 2018.

The Sherbrooke Lake Stewardship Committee was created to develop a water quality monitoring program.  The program will establish a baseline of data to help with evidence-based decisions concerning the development of the park property.  Committee membership includes representatives from MODL, MOC, a professional with knowledge of water quality monitoring as well as a representative from the Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation.

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