Home / Bill & Donald Gimby

Bill & Donald Gimby

"The Gimby father and son duo are thrilled with the opportunity to contribute to the Chester Municipality Trail Art Project.

“As artists, outdoor enthusiasts and living in the Municipality for over 40 years, we are proud to help in a small way to the trail system. Having walked much of the trail and its offshoots, we know the value of this type of recreation system and appreciate having close access to it. We have fond memories of walking the tracks and watching trains pass through and have watched it grow from abandoned tracks to extensive groomed trails. Whether it is discovering that hidden brook, massive hemlock tree or the surprise work of art, it is the thrill of exploration that drives us to these areas.”

For Donald and Bill, it is their way of helping the trail development and providing their concept of using local natural materials in their own environment.

“The history of small stone quarries in Hubbards, Aspotogan and Lunenburg areas can be seen in the foundations of homes throughout the area. The fisherman cut granite from the easily accessed granite shoreline to build wharves, homes and even gravestones from this natural resource. For thousands of years nature has shaped granite through the ice age and through pounding ocean waves into the beautiful, polished coloured granite we see on our beaches and shores. The East River location would have a granite bench that, we believe, is necessary for trail users to stop and admire the surroundings. Behind the bench will be a tall (approx. 6ft) column of granite chosen for its shape and natural look. The quarried granite represents what is seen on the path the trail takes as it winds up to Castle Rock. This area is more rugged, and Castle Rock is a reminder of the amount of granite that lies beneath the surface in the area. Granite posts of graduated size will be placed in the surrounding area. Young - or old - hikers can climb and jump from these low granite posts. Footprints of various types will be etched into the tops of the posts representing the types of users of the trail.

"We are inspired by our surrounding shorelines, tumbled beach rock, driftwood, and the forests we live nearby. Nature creates the most beautiful art, and we let that guide us in our designs. We want our work to be tactile and useful, encouraging people to touch and linger over the surfaces.
The stone bench made from local granite is massive and feels very permanent as if it will last forever. It will get more beautiful with age as it weathers, and lichens grow on its surface. The large stone behind it reminds you of Castle Rock and the boulders left behind by ancient glaciers. While you rest on the bench, the three steppingstone posts can be explored by the more restless of your group yielding surprises not usually seen in stone."

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